Tag Archives: new world marketing

The Future is Mobile

The Importance of Mobile Marketing

The Importance of Mobile Marketing







Please click on the infographic to see the original page. 

Stop and consider something, what type of technology is the fastest growing world-wide?

Mobile. Mobile technology is the fastest growing, most invested in, most targeted, and most researched industry. Every kind of service and every type of entertainment is building a presence on mobile technology. These days, people can watch tv and movies, read books, take care of their finances, shop, and see the world, all from their mobile phone or tablet. I can understand why, as an entrepreneur, you might be hesitant to advance into this medium, however, you must go mobile. I don’t mean put your entire focus on advertising or marketing on mobile platforms, however, you should work are starting to build a large presence.

Reason 1

Number of mobile internet users is expected to reach roughly 2 billion users by 2015. Which means in about two years more people will be using the internet from their phone than from their desktops or their laptops. Moreover, people will be checking it more frequently, since mobile phones are constantly in the pockets of their users, unlike laptops or desktops. So, you will have more people, spending more time on the internet, more frequently throughout the day. More importantly, over 50 percent of mobile users are over 35, which means that the people that use the internet are the ones in control of their own money. So…any company that does not make an attempt to reach this audience, in my opinion, is run by idiots.

Reason 2

A combined 31 percent of mobile phone users use, or prefer to use their mobile phone or tablet to do their shopping. Either from an app or a website. That number is expected to grow exponentially through 2015. Market analysts say that by 2015 the mobile marketing industry will be valued somewhere around $5.04 billion dollars. This number should be a huge red flag to any person who feels that mobile is not the largest growing industry in the world. Any firm with any sort of smart management will be investing in an effective, efficient, and original mobile campaign. A well bred campaign might include an app, a mobile friendly website, along with mobile adds and banners. Trust me, the R.O.I on a strong mobile campaign will be huge.

Mobile Needs to be important to your firm for several reasons. In the opinion of many marketing and advertising experts, it is the next “social media” it will take customer marketing and relations to a new level. Customers will constantly be in contact with the brands and products that they choose. Further, in roughly 5 years, more people will have some sort of mobile device than desktops or televisions. Beyond that, a mobile phone or tablet is in the pocket of almost every teenager, parent, and even grandparent in the nation. These numbers will only continue to grow.

INVEST IN MOBILE. Trust me…I’m smart.

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Premium, First, Playground

This week, I’m having a little trouble coming up with a topic I think is really quality when thinking about the best way to run a successful marketing/advertising/public relations firm. So I want to cover a few small topics quickly; sort of like a review.

1. Be Premium

A lot of people, when starting their own business, try to sell as much of their service or product as quickly as possible, meaning that their main concern is revenue. This is not, I repeat, not the right idea. As a start up agency, you shouldn’t try to compete with other well established firms by lowering your price for your service. You need to establish your product as the PREMIUM product. Don’t go to customers and say, “we can offer you what (insert competitors name here) can offer you for less.” I promise, no one wants to hear that. Instead, walk into that client meeting and say, “Listen, we will offer you the best service, results, and anything you else you can think of, we’ll give you the best of it.” Remember, you are a start up, probably with a small team of creatives, technologists, and developers, so you can’t handle as many clients as your competitors, but, you can guarantee them a much more driven and personal service. Further, you shouldn’t be afraid to charge a premium price for this premium service, just deliver the results you promised. Trust me on this one.

2. Be First

This is a key factor, especially for firms that are on the start up. the CMO’s and CEO and Chief Creative Officers need to up to date on the most popular and successful trends in the marketing field. Yes, right now, social media websites are driving sales and customer participation for marketing firms around the world. However, a truly driven CMO and Chief Marketing Strategist will already be looking ahead, you need to be thinking about what the next hit in the marketing industry will be. They need to be thinking about what the most effective content is, how to portray their clients in the right light, to the right people, through the right mediums, at the right time. Further, as a small firm, the most important thing, is that you know how to do that first.

3. Don’t Let Anyone Else’s Kid Bully Yours on the Playground

This tip might seem like it’s coming out of nowhere, to be honest, I didn’t really realize I was thinking it until it appeared on my screen. However, this might be one of the most important messages I ever deliver to young firms and young entrepreneurs. Heres why: the business world is not a nice place. You should not play nice. Everyday another firm is trying to take whatever clients you have as their own, everyday a competitor is thinking of ways to be better than your firm, everyday new competitors are emerging, and trust me, not one of them are thinking about your feelings. I like to think of the business world as a battlefield, everyday you meet with your team, and come up with the strategy to outsmart your enemies. In war, strategies mean coming up with where to put your tanks, where to send the calvary, when to use special ops, and when to bring the full army. In the meeting room, strategizing means coming up with the best ideas and pitches to deliver to clients, who you need to be meeting with, when you need to be meeting them, deciding what conferences to attend, deciding how to tell your client you have the best ideas for them, and figuring out how to convince them why they need to be working with you instead of them.  You should be approaching these tasks with a warriors mentality, this firm is your livelihood, your dream, your baby. Protect it, feed it, let it grow, and don’t let anyone else’s kid bully yours on the play ground.


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The Future of Marketing

So, whats new in the world of Marketing? Well, a lot of things are new. The industry market is always moving forward, evolving, morphing and growing in pace with public trend and mentality. Which, lets be honest, is really fast.

Referring to the info-graphic above, the first marketing outlet firms who want to replenish, reaffirm, attract, and maintain their customers and brand loyalists is social media. 75% of internet connected homes use social media, thats 61.5% of American households. Not to mention the social media users in countries like The United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, India, and others. Reaching this international and constantly renewable source of customers is simple. Higher a new world marketing leader, someone who understands how to build and manipulate social media to most effectively reach and connect with these new customers. These experts will higher social media interns, much like myself, and we’ll do all the dirty work. Oh, and heres the best part; young college students like us both understand social media and we need real world experience, so you can get us to do it for free. Any firm that markets effectively will be active and proficient in building a following on twitter, Facebook, Google+(growing in use) Pinterest, and even instagram. Further, these outlets will be used, not only to inform customers of products and place new advertisements…they are more important for building a personal connection with your existing and new customers. ALWAYS CONNECT IN THOUGHT AND EMOTION WITH CUSTOMERS (see posts below)…

Next, you need to be using some sort of e-mail system. “Checking email” is the most widely cited reason for internet use. When people log on to the inter-web the first thing they do is check email, and probably, though don’t quote me on this, check facebook and twitter. 97% of American households use email…and 66% of firms are integrating their email campaigns with their social media outlets. Those firms that do link their email readership to their social media platforms will undoubtedly reep the rewards. Effective and efficient customer communication is essential to customer retention, development, and growth.

OK, next, make sure to fully understand and appreciate this point. MOBILE IS THE FASTEST GROWING AND MOST IMPORTANT MARKET OF TODAY. Do not, I repeat, do not, ignore the potential of mobile marketing. Around the world people stay constantly, and trust me, I mean c-o-n-s-t-a-n-t-l-y connected to their smart phones, tablets, ipads, blackberrys, iphones, samsungs….any phone you can think of, the owner of that phone knows exactly where it is at all times no matter what. The speed and ease that these devices deliver information to their users makes us addicted, it is our permanent and precious connection to the world. Any firm absolutley, and without a doubt, needs to be employing the use of mobile marketing. 91% of Americans use mobile devices, and 23% of those mobile users are on smart phones. Customers want to be able to access any website seeking products, information, news, fashion…and if your firm doesn’t provide that access, it will be thrown to the side. Guaranteed.

So, in conclusion. If you want be successful, follow these rules, trust me, I’m smart. I wouldn’t lead you wrong.

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